

location- sixth form toilets

*Jess putting on lipstick*

*Emily then walks in*

Emily-  * looks at Jess applying lipstick* "ooh that's nice, where's it from?"
Jess-  "Thanks, it's from the market"
Emily- " ill have to pop down and have a look myself"
Jess-  "Hope you find the colour you're looking for.. cya"
Emily "bye"

*Jess then walks out the door waving behind her*

Prelim Screen shots

Shot 1-Extreme close up
Shot 2-close up shot
Shot 3- long shot
Shot 4- Medium shot (180 degree rule)
Shot 5- Medium shot (180 degree rule)
Shot 6- Medium shot (180 degree rule)
Shot 7-Wide shot


Permission letter

Dear Mr Jones,

May myself and my group members have our permission to film these pupils in Driffield School and Sixth form, on the date 17/09/14.
Jess Williams and Emily Iveson.

We give our sincere permission to obey the rules and guidelines that you wish us to follow, to respect the facilties and to respect the needs of the teachers.

Yours sincerly,

Amy Walton, Phoebe Watson, Amy Jackson, Jess Williams and Emily Iveson.

Link to finished Prelim

Screen Shots of Prelim - Demonstration of Usage

Establishing Shot:

Close Up:

Two Person Shot:


Preliminary Evaluation

Our group which consisted of Me, Amy Jackson, Phoebe Watson, Emily Iveson and Jess Williams all came up with an easy idea about what we were going to do in our prelim, we had decided to do a conversation between Jess and Emily in the toilet about some lipstick. We had added the camera shots that we needed which was 180 degree shot and shot reverse shot but we also used other ones which was long shot and wide shot.
When filming our preliminary we had experienced some difficulties, our initial idea was that we were originally going to film in the sixth form toilets but the difficulty we had was that there wasn't a plug socket or one nearby which we needed to plug in the camera so we had to move to the Dance drama toilets which ended up turning out better because it was bigger and easier to film. Another difficulty we experienced was once we had finished filming we couldn't figure out how to put the videos on the computer because the lead wouldn't connect so after trying to get it to work for ages and using different leads we then got told that we can use the SD card instead so I have learnt that next time I know how to put them onto the computer.
The things that went well whilst filming were the camera shots because we had used different ones and the editing which after we had been shown how to use it, we knew what we needed to put in our video.
Overall my contribution to the group was a director and also helping come up with the idea.

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